Why should you purchase E-rickshaw instead of Auto Rickshaw

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Better income

Net Take home Rs: 900 per day, total fuel cost only 70 rs per day and cost of vehicle less than 1.5 Lacs

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Lower Maintenance

E-rickshaw has much lower maintenance and service cost and down time

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No permit required

In many markets (eg: Delhi) petrol and CNG 3W sales are limited because of permits whereas for E-rickshaw there is no requirement of permits.

Let's create a

Better World

By moving forward to Electric Rickshaw

1 ton of CO2 Emissions per year for 6 mature trees is equal to one year of a e-rickshaw

An electric rickshaw earns between INR 900 and INR 1200 per day, depending on location and time of month.

Assuming an average daily

Income levels at
Rs.900 per day

Charging expense of

Monthly instalment converted to daily expense
(7500/30). ~ 250

Daily net income of (900 –70 –250) ~ 580 which amounts to a monthly income of ~ Rs.17400 minimum income after covering all expenses.
Since the cost of the product is 50% of the cost of Traditional 3W and therefore is affordable for the most vulnerable section of our society
This income can put 1 family out of poverty and enable them to lead a respectable life without having to resort to child labor

The average Indian household has 4.8 members. We’ve already impacted the lives of over 160K people and are adding another 5,000 people each month

Historical Price Jump

Petrol & Diesel Price over the years in India

Global average battery price

Fig 1: Volume-weighted average pack and cell price split
Real2021 $/kWh

Source: BloombergNEF

BNEF predicts average pack prices will dip below $100 per kwh in 2024

Why choose akasa finance

Deep rural/semi-urban penetration and distribution network

Strong ties with manufacturers, particularly in northern and eastern India

The industry's oldest player since 2016

Profitable since inception

In Delhi we have (Akasa Finance) market share of 40% (As per RTO Data) and West Bengal we have ~80%

Industry-leading collection performance

Financed approx. 35,000 vehicles till date

0 + Years

Year of experience

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0 + Clients

Happy Customers

0 + Crore

Disbursement Run Rate

Our Financial Sector

E - Rickshaw
Electric Bike / Scooter
Commercial 3 wheel electric Loader
Vehicle Accessories Loans

About Company

Akasa Finance Limited. is a Non-Banking Finance Company. It is one of the India’s leading Non-Banking Finance Companies spread across 7 states pan-India. Akasa Finance Ltd.

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